Surasak Chunsrivirot, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Surasak Chunsrivirot, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

B.Sc., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Office: Room 516/1, Science10 Building 
Phone: 662-218-5425
Fax:     662-218-5418


  1. Computational design of enzymes such as carbohydrate-modifying enzymes for tailor-made products/ desired properties
  2. Using molecular modeling and simulation techniques to investigate problems in biology, biochemistry and related areas
  3. Computational design of compounds/ peptides for therapeutic uses and other applications


  • Utaipant, T.; Athipornchai, A.; Suksamrarn, A.; Chunsrivirot, S.; Chunglok, W.. Isomahanine induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and simultaneously triggers p38 MAPK-mediated apoptosis and autophagy in multidrug-resistant human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Oncology Reports 2017, 37 (2), 1243-1252.
  • Kanjanatanin, P.; Pichyangkura, R.; Chunsrivirot, S.. Replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations reveal the structural and molecular properties of levan-type fructo-oligosaccharides of various chain lengths. BMC Bioinformatics 2016, 17 (1), Article number 306 Open Access
  • Kantang, W.; Chunsrivirot, S.; Muangsin, N.; Poovorawan, Y.; Krusong, K.. Design of peptides as inhibitors of human papillomavirus 16 transcriptional regulator E1-E2, Chemical Biology & Drug Design 2016, 88, 475-484.
  • Moonrin, N., Songtawee, N., Rattanabunyong, S., Chunsrivirot, S., Mokmak, W., Tongsima, S., Choowongkomon, K.. Understanding the molecular basis of EGFR kinase domain/MIG-6 peptide recognition complex using computational analyses. BMC Bioinformatics 2015, 16 (1), Article number 103
  • Mokmak*, W., Chunsrivirot*, S., Hannongbua, S., Yuthavong, Y., Tongsima, S. and Kamchonwongpaisan, S. Molecular dynamics of interactions between rigid and flexible antifolates and dihydrofolatereductase from pyrimethamine-sensitive and pyrimethamine-resistant Plasmodium falciparumChemical Biology & Drug Design (in press). [*co-first authors: SC designed the simulation studies, analyzed/interpreted the results, and wrote the manuscript and rebuttal letter]
  • Mokmak*, W., Chunsrivirot*, S., Assawamakin, A., Chuwongkomon, A. and Tongsima, S. (2013). Molecular Dynamics Simulations Reveal Structural Instability of Human Trypsin Inhibitor upon D50E and Y54H Mutations. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 19(2), 521. [*co-first authors]
  • Chunsrivirot, S., Santiso, E. and Trout, B. T. (2011). Binding Affinity of a Small Molecule to an Amorphous Polymer in a Solvent. Part 2: Preferential Binding to Local sites on a Surface.Langmuir, 27(20), 12396.
  • Chunsrivirot, S., Diao, Y. and Trout, B. T. (2011). Binding Affinity of a Small Molecule to an Amorphous Polymer in a Solvent. Part 1: Free Energy of Binding to a Binding Site.Langmuir, 27(20), 12381.
  • Chunsrivirot, S.and Trout, B. T. (2011). Free Energy of Binding of a Small Molecule to an Amorphous Polymer in a Solvent. Langmuir, 27(11), 6910.
  • Lee, S. E., Chunsrivirot, S., Kamm R. D. and Mofrad, M. R. K. (2008)Molecular Dynamics Study ofTalin-Vinculin Binding. Biophysical Journal, 95(4), 2027.